Arcual Life: Meet Our Lead Engineer, Andrew!

September 6, 2023

Spend 5 minutes exploring the diverse career of Arcual's Lead Engineer, Andrew!

Tell us about your professional background?

My background is quite varied, I have worked for 20+ years as an engineer everywhere from high frequency / low latency trading platforms, to building web applications, to delving into web 3 and blockchain technology.

What was a career highlight?

I once developed the timing system for an international endurance ski race back in New Zealand. We were up all night supporting it but being at the live event was a lot of fun.

What drew you to Arcual?

Having been involved in the NFT space for the last two years I was interested in learning more about the traditional art world and helping bridge the gap between physical art and blockchain technology.

What does a typical day look like for you and the team?

My days are quite varied as I cover a range of responsibilities across the engineering team. Sometimes I'm more focussed on writing code, other days I have technical questions to solve or meetings with product and design to help with our strategy.

What is your favourite thing about culture at Arcual?

I think the diversity at Arcual is really good. This provides us with so many different perspectives which has been beneficial in shaping our brand as well as our products.

What would you be, if you weren’t Arcual’s Lead Engineer?

I would be making generative art.

Where do you see Arcual in two year’s time?

I see Arcual as an integral part of the physical art ecosystem providing galleries, artists and collectors the tools to manage their interactions with minimal friction and a better user experience.

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